President Eric Ng, who is also the chairperson of the Chinatown Daycare Center, attended the Thanksgiving celebration of the Center. |
The terms of CCBA President, Chinese Secretary and
Treasurers will end on February 29, 2020, and Lin Sing
Association will rotate to nominate the candidates according
to CCBA by-laws. During the CCBA board meeting,
President Eric Ng presented a notification letter to Lin
Sing Association asking them to nominate the candidates to
CCBA by December 23. |
Captain Jeff W. Masci and 11 students from Military Academy West Point visited CCBA. |
Neighbors United Below Canal (NUBC) held a press conference at CCBA to ask for the community's financial supports to the legal action against the City regarding the construction of a new Manhattan Detention Center. |
CCBA and the Chinese American community hosted a ceremony to memorize the 153rd Birthday of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. |
After years of negotiations, the statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen is dedicated as a permanent monument in Columbus Park
on Dr. Sun's 153th birthday. The area around the statue is re-named as Dr. Sun Yat-sen Plaza.
Please chick
here to watch the Youtube footage of the ceremony. |
President Eric Ng attended the Veteran Day parade hosted by The American Legion Lt. B.R. Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post 1291. |