Chinese Consolidated
Benevolent Association
Chinese Community Center, Inc
62 Mott Street, New York, NY 10013
Tel: (212)226-6280
Fax: (212)431-5883
- Buddha Light International Association of New York donated $10,000 to American Red
Cross, to support the expense provided by the Red Cross
to the tragic fire on February 24.
- A Buddha Association donated $5000 to American Red
Cross, to support the expense provided by the Red Cross
to the tragic fire on February 24.
- CCBA hosted the annual Lunar New Year dinner, and
presented a "Golden Key to New York City Chinatown" to
Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg and other officials attended the
event to greet Chinese-Americans as well.
Samuel Schwartz, the president of NYC Bridge Centennial
Commission and other officers visited CCBA, to discuss
the planning of celebrating the 100th anniversary of
Manhattan Bridge and New York Chinese School.
President Gilbert Ho of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of New England visited CCBA-NY, and exchanged experience
between the two Chinese-American communities with
President Justin Yu.
- Voluntary
students from Baruch College started their annual tax
program in CCBA. They provide free tax service for the
residents in the community on Fridays and Saturdays
from now until April.
- The key members of the Fukien American Association
visited CCBA.