Ambassador Kenneth Liao, the general director of the Taipei
Economic and Cultural Office in New York, will be assigned
to Taiwan soon. CCBA hosted a farewell party, and presented
him an appreciation plaque. |
- CCBA hanged the
huge painting of Dr. Sun Yat-sen in the Dr. Sun Yat-sen
Memorial Auditorium. |
- A cantonese opera group performed at CCBA Auditorium,
and raised fund for the victims in Taiwan. They
have raised more than $1,300 in the event. |
- CCBA held a press conference, reported that CCBA had
raised $87,830 for the typhoon relief fund. Among
them, $55,000 had already wired to Red Cross of Republic of
China. |
- Visiting Nurse Service of NY and its division Chinatown N-NORC
Program, held a press conference at CCBA, to announce a
series of health seminars provided by Manning Pharmacy. |
- Dr. Y.Y. Wu, the Minister of the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission visited CCBA. CCBA held a welcoming ceremony at the meeting room, and presented him a check of $32,200, which is raised from the NY community to Taiwan "Green Project". |
- A huge painting of Dr. Sun Yat-sen and a calligraphy artwork of “Chapter of Great Harmony (Ta Tung)” were delivered to CCBA by the representatives from Kuomintang Eastern
Region Office. The two pieces of artwork will permanently be
demonstrated at the CCBA Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Auditorium. |
- A powerful typhoon caused serious fatalities and damages
in Taiwan. President Justin Yu held a press conference and
announced that CCBA would immediately start the disaster
relief efforts, and donated the collected funds to the
affected area. |
- A powerful typhoon caused serious fatalities and damages
in Taiwan. President Justin Yu held a press conference and
announced that CCBA would immediately start the disaster
relief efforts, and donate the collected funds to the
affected area. |
- An "Outstanding Father" event was held at the CCBA
Auditorium. CCBA Chinese Secretary Yuk Zhen Wang was
selected as one of the outstanding fathers of this year. |
- The Chinese-American Voters Federation introduced this
year's election situation to the youths from Chinatown Youth
Initiatives and the "Youth Action Team" from
Councilman John Liu's Office. |
- Hosted by Chinatown Youth Initiatives and sponsored by the
CCBA, volunteers performed the Fifth Chinatown
Beautification Day. |