President Eric Ng, President Johnny Ng of Hoy Sun Ning Yung Association, President James Wong of Lin Sing Association visited Deputy Inspector Tommy Ng, the Commanding Officer of NYPD Fifth Precinct. |
CCBA, Kuomintang Eastern Region Office and New York Chinese School hosted the annual Youth Day celebration at the Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Auditorium, and presented awards to recognize
5 outstanding students from New York Chinese School. |
- CCBA held the annual Board Member Election in CCBA. Beside the seven permanent board members, the elected members are:
Wong Family Benevolent Association, American Legion L.T. Kimlau
Post 1291, Eng Suey Sun Association, Lung Kong Tin Yee
Association, Chung Shan Association, Moy's Family
Chew Lun Association, Lee's Family Association, Chee Tuck
Sam Tuck Association, Hok Shan Society, Hoy Yen Association
and Yan Ping Association and . The backup board members are: Yee Shan Benevolent Society, Yee Fong Toy Association and Nam Hoy Sun Tuck Association. |
- Asian Health and Social Service Council and Asian American Bar Association
held a seminar at CCBA to talk about the new tax laws. |
- President Eric Ng spoke at the Manhattan Small Business
Resource Fair hosted by NYC Small Business Services at CCBA. |
- Asian Health and Social Service Council and Asian American
Bar Association will host a seminar at CCBA at 10am on
Friday, March 16 to talk about the new tax laws. |
- CCBA, Kuomintang Eastern Region Office and New York Chinese School held the a ceremony to memorize the death of Dr. Sun Yat-sen 93 years ago. |
- President Eric Ng, who also serves as the chairperson of
New York Chinese School, attended the school's alumni
homecoming Lantern Festival event. |
- President Eric Ng and community leaders attended the Lunar New Year celebration hosted by the Chinatown Daycare Center. |
- Mr. Eric Ng was inaugurated as the 65th President of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of New York. |