- The Chinese-American Voters Federation held a ceremony at
CCBA, to appreciate all the youth volunteers who had helped
to promote voters registration during the summer.
- A press conference was held at CCBA, to announce details
of an "Asian Movies and Television Festival", that will take
place at the CCBA Auditorium at the end of the year.
- Saint Vincent's Hospital hosted a press conference at CCBA,
to announce information about the Hong Kong Celebrities
Soccer Team's visit to New York City. The Soccer Team
will raise funding for the hospital.
- The American Cancer Society Eastern Division hosted a
press conference at CCBA, to announce information of their
2007 Cancer Prevention Activities.
The N-NORC Program of the Visiting Nurse Service of New York
held a seminar at CCBA, to introduce health information
related to vision. |
- Judge Dorothy Chin-Brandt, who is seeking for re-election
to her New York County Civil Court Judge position, visited
CCBA and got supported by many community leaders and
organizations. |
President Eric Ng,
who also serves as the board chairman of the New York
Chinese School, attended the graduation ceremony of
the school's summer program. |
- President Eric Ng attended the opening ceremony of a photo
gallery, which presents photographs relation to the
cooperation between China and the United States during World
War II. |
The N-NORC Program of the Visiting Nurse Service of New York
held a seminar at CCBA, to introduce health information
related to breast cancer. |
- Hosted by CCBA and Chinatown Youth Initiatives, volunteers
performed the Fifth Chinatown Beautification Day. |
- In a press conference held at CCBA, the Asian Pacific
Issues Research Center announced that a gallery of World
War II will be presented starting August 15, at the
Queens Community College and their location. |
08/09/2007 -
The Chinatown Youth Initiative hosted a press conference
at CCBA, to announce details of the Fifth Chinatown
Beautification Day. |
- CCBA held the first "Double Ten" Preparation meeting,
to discuss the details of this year's Double Ten parade and
events. |
- NYPD Fifth Precinct hosted the annual National Night Out
Against Crime event at Columbus Park, and presented a
appreciation certificate to CCBA. |
- Chinatown Head Start held a press conference at CCBA, to
protest against opening anymore topless bars around their
school. |
- The Chinese-American Voters Federation and the "Youth
Action Team" from Councilman John Liu's Office, is promoting
voters registration in the Chinatown area. |
President Eric Ng attended the press conference hosted by
Gouverneur Hospital, regarding their 122nd Year Anniversary
Fundraising Dinner. |