06/18/2018 - Working with NYC Department of Finance, CCBA will help seniors and tenants with a disability to apply for rent freeze. For senior citizens, applying qualifications are: 1) At least 62 years old; 2) Have a household income of $50,000 or less; 3) Live in a rent regulated apartment; and 4) Spend more than 1/3 of your income on rent.

06/18/2018 - 紐約中華公所跟紐約市財政局合作,在公所為老人及殘疾人士填表申請免加租服務。老人申請資格:1) 年齡在62歲以上;2) 家庭年收入不超過$50,000;3) 房租支出超過收入的三分之一;4) 住在租金穩定公寓