02/01/2008 - Requested by Mr. George Hu, the assistant of New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer, CCBA held a disaster relief for the victims of Bangladesh.  After two months of fund raising, CCBA raised $6,500 for the victims.  Sonia Martinez, the director of ARCGNY Manhattan Office and other staffs came to CCBA to receive the checks.

02/01/2008 - 中華公所去年應紐約州長助理胡思源先生建議,為孟加拉風災災民籌款,兩個月來共籌得救災善款6,500元。大紐約區紅十字會曼克頓區主任Sonia Martinez及幾位高級職員到中華公所接收善款,用以救濟當地災民。