CCBA held its annual Lunar New Year celebration, with numerous prominent government officials attending to extend their New Year greetings to the Chinese community. Distinguished guests included Ambassador Tom Lee of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York, New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, New York City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine, U.S. Congressman Daniel Goldman, New York State Senator Brian Kavanagh, New York State Assembly Members Grace Lee, Zohran Mamdani, and Jenifer Rajkumar, New York City Council Members Christopher Marte and Sandra Ung, Deputy Commissioner of the Mayor’s Office of Community Affairs Peter Koo, NYPD 5th Precinct Commanding Officer Craig Nilsen, as well as representatives from various government offices. Additionally, over 300 community leaders, distinguished guests, and local residents joined the event, creating a lively and festive atmosphere filled with New Year spirit.
中華公所舉辦一年一度的農曆新年慶祝典禮,眾多重要政府官員親臨中華公所,向華人社區拜年。到場的貴賓包括中華民國駐紐約經濟文化辦事處大使李志強、紐約州主計長迪納波利(Thomas DiNapoli)、紐約市公益事務專員威廉姆斯(Jumaane Williams)、曼哈頓區長李文(Mark Levine)、國會議員 Daniel Goldman、紐約州參議員卡凡納(Brian Kavanagh)、紐約州眾議員李榮恩(Grace Lee)、Zohran Mamdani、Jenifer Rajkumar、市議員馬泰(Christopher Marte)、莊文怡、市長社區事務處副局長顧雅明、紐約市警局五分局局長 Craig Nilsen,以及多位官員代表。此外,僑領、嘉賓及僑胞逾三百人共襄盛舉,場面熱鬧非凡,洋溢著濃厚的節日氣氛。 |