10/10/2023 - CCBA organized the yearly Double Ten National Day festivities in honor of the Republic of China. The event featured a flag-raising ceremony, the presentation of flowers at the statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen in Columbus Park, a celebratory ceremony held at the CCBA auditorium, a Double Ten parade, and a grand dinner banquet.

10/10/2023 - 紐約中華公所及僑社舉辦雙十國慶慶祝活動,包括在中華公所門前舉行升旗典禮、前往哥倫布公園向國父銅像獻花、中華公所中山紀念堂慶祝大會、國慶大遊行及慶祝餐會,遊行沿途中華民國旗幟到處飄揚,形成一片旗海。