02/15/2022 - Mayor Eric Adams invited community leaders to attend a Lunar New Year breakfast reception at Gracie Mansion.  He reiterated his commitment to fight against crime and improve safety in New York City.  President Justin Yu and Raymond Tsang expressed their concerns on the needs from Chinatown.  They asked the Mayor to improve safety and continue to negotiate with the State officials to reverse bail reform laws.

02/15/2022 - 亞當斯市長在瑰西園(Gracie Mansion)市長官邸舉辦春節早餐會,邀請社區領袖出席,並重申其嚴打犯罪、整頓治安的態度,表示未來將加強與社區溝通。于金山主席和曾偉康主席向亞當斯市場反映了華埠社區的訴求,希望亞當斯穩定治安,並繼續說服州議會改革現有的保釋制度。