07/25/2019 - Neighbors United Below Canal (NUBC) held a press conference at CCBA to advise the public the formal objection to the City's proposal regarding the construction of a new Manhattan Detention Center. Thomas Sung, the founder of Abacus Bank announced that his family will financially support the legal negotiation with the City.

07/25/2019 - 堅尼路以南鄰里聯盟(NUBC)在中華公所召開記者會,公佈最新反對在華埠擴建監獄事宜。國寶銀行創辦人孫啟誠宣布其家族將從經濟等各方面支持聯盟對市府在曼哈頓華埠建監獄採取的法律行動。