11/10/2018 - President Eric Ng presented a seminar at the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals in Hong Kong to talk about the early Chinese immigrants in New York, and how CCBA and Tung Wah Group worked together one hundred years ago to help deceased Chinese immigrants to be transported and buried in their home villages in China.  Tung Wah Group of Hospitals is the oldest and largest charitable organization in Hong Kong.

11/10/2018 - 伍銳賢主席在香港東華三院發表「美國紐約早期華人移民與東華原籍安葬服務」專題演講,讓公眾加深了解美國早期華人移民與東華原籍安葬服務,及兩地機構一百年前如何合作的歷史。東華三院是香港歷史最久遠及規模最大的慈善機構。