07/12/2018 - The Queens community held a Double Ten celebration preparation meeting in Flushing.  During the meeting, Ambassador Lily Hsu presented appreciation certificate to CCBA and other organizations to thank for the donations towards the earthquake in Hualien in February.  President Eric Ng reaffirmed CCBA's supports to Republic of China and continuation to hang ROC's flags at CCBA.

07/12/2018 - 皇后區舉辦慶祝雙十國慶籌備會議,徐儷文大使代表中華民國僑務委員會向中華公所及各僑團頒發表揚狀,感謝各僑團向花蓮震災捐款。會上伍銳賢主席重申中華公所堅定支持中華民國及繼續懸掛中華民國國旗的立場。