01/28/2017 - CCBA hosted the annual Lunar New Year ceremony. Many important government officials visited CCBA and greeted Chinese-Americans a happy new year, including Ambassador Lily Hsu, U.S. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, City Comptroller Scott Stringer, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, State Senator Daniel Squadron & Félix Ortiz, State Assembly Member Yuh-Line Niou, City Council Members Margaret Chin, Judge Randall Eng, Judge Doris Ling-Cohan, representatives from elected officials and many community leaders.

01/28/2017 - 中華公所舉辦一年一度農曆新年慶祝典禮,到訪中華公所向華人拜年的重要政府官員包括駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處徐儷文大使、聯邦參議員舒默、紐約市主計長史靜格、曼克頓區長高步邁、布碌崙區長亞當斯、紐約州參議員史葛靜、Félix Ortiz、州眾議員牛毓琳、市議員陳倩雯、伍元天法官、凌德麗法官、各官員代表,以及僑領、嘉賓、僑胞逾三百多人參加,情況十分熱鬧。