07/13/2016 - New York Chinese School held the annual Board Member Election in CCBA auditorium. Beside the seven permanent board members, the elected school board members are: Chung Shan Association, Lung Kong Tin Yee Association, Eng Suey Sun Association, Wong Family Benevolent Association, Chew Lun Association, Lee's Family Association, Hoy Yin Association and Yan Ping Association. The backup board members are: Yee Shan Benevolent Society, Chinese Women's Benevolent Association and Hoy Ping Tung Hang Association.

07/13/2016 - 紐約華僑學校在中華公所大禮堂舉行全體校董大會,選舉新一屆常務校董。 除七大僑團外,當選常務校董為中山同鄉會、龍岡親義公所、伍胥山公所、黃氏宗親會、 昭倫公所、鶴山公所、李氏總分所、海晏同鄉會和恩平同鄉會。後補常務校董為番禺同鄉會、華僑婦女會和開平同鄉會。