05/07/2015 - President Eric Ng attended a press conference at the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office of New York, which announced a series of celebrations for American's Asian Heritage Month and Taiwanese Heritage Week.  The Dance Troupe from College of Indigenous Studies of National Dong Hwa University in Taiwan will perform at CCBA Auditorium on 5/23 and at the Passport to Taiwan Festival in Union Square on 5/24.

05/07/2015 - 為慶祝美國亞裔傳統月及台灣傳統周,台灣東華大學原住民民族學院舞團將分別於五月廿三日於中華公所大禮堂、及五月廿四日在聯合廣場舉辦的「台灣巡禮」戶外嘉年華中演出主題為「原漾台灣」的舞蹈。伍銳賢主席到台北駐紐約經濟文化辦事處出席記者會,公佈兩項活動細節事宜。