3/5/2015 - President Eric Ng wrote to President Obama, to reflect Chinese American' indignation at NYPD Officer Peter Liang's case, and urge for White House's attention to the fairness of this trial.  President Ng has also contacted many CCBA Presidents around the Nation, and asked them to write to White House regarding this issue.

3/5/2015 - 伍銳賢主席致函奧巴馬總統,要求華府關注梁彼得案,並確保梁彼得得到公正的審理。伍銳賢主席並已經聯絡華盛頓、芝加哥、洛杉磯、波士頓等各地的中華會館(或中華公所),將同時致信奧巴馬總統陳情 。