2/4/2015 - A woman unintentionally found the Certificate of Incorporation of Four Brotherhoods Society (A.K.A. Lung Kong Tin Yee Association today) issued by the New York State Office of State in 1898.  The certificate was then delivered to CCBA, and President Eric Ng returned this important historic document to Lung Kong Tin Yee Association.

2/4/2015 - 一名外裔女子無意間發現一張紐約龍岡親義公所1898年成立時紐約州政府發出的註冊證明狀,幾經輾轉後,該證明狀被送到紐約中華公所,伍銳賢主席隨即將此重要歷史文件交還給龍岡親義公所。