01/30/2014 - At the last day of the lunar new year, New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, State Senator Daniel Squadron, State Assemblyman Ron Kim, State Assemblyman Félix Ortiz and many community leaders held a press conference at CCBA, urging the State legislatives to pass the resolutions to recognize lunar new year as a public holiday in New York City public schools.

01/30/2014 - 紐約州蕭華眾議長、史葛靜參議員、金兌錫眾議員、奧迪茲眾議員及眾社區領袖於農曆大年三十於于中華公所舉行記者會,呼籲州議會通過法例,容許紐約市公校在農曆新年日放假。