01/06/2011 - Beth Israel Hospital held a press conference at CCBA, to announce its publication of "Asian Family Caregiver Handbook" and "The New York City Asian Family Caregiver Resource Directory".  The 2 books are specifically designed for Asian Americans.  They will be distributed to the public for free and they will be available online in the future.

01/06/2011 - 以色列醫院在中華公所召開記者會,宣佈該醫院為亞裔編撰的兩本中英文對照手冊--《亞裔親屬照顧者手冊》和《紐約市亞裔親屬照顧者資源目錄》面世,免費向社區機構和人士派發,並預計兩手冊內容將上網,免費供僑胞查閲。