01/01/2011 - CCBA hosted the annual New Year and the government establishment celebration for the 100th Anniversary of Republic of China.  Representing Chinese-Americans in Eastern United States to celebration the anniversary, CCBA President Jack Eng presented a calligraphy to R.O.C. President Ma Ying-jiao, which was created by famous calligrapher artist Hsiu Jung Jan.  Ambassador Andrew Kao accepted the calligraphy on behalf of President Ma.

01/01/2011 - 紐約中華公所舉辦一年一度僑界慶祝元旦暨中華民國一百年開國紀念大會。為慶祝中華民國建國一百年,會上伍權碩主席代表東地區僑胞向馬英九總統致送一幅由名書法藝術家詹秀蓉女仕精心書寫的橫匾,並由高振群大使代表接收。