12/06/2006 - In the monthly police-community forum, Mr. He, who helped to catch a thief in Chinatown but got arrested and charged, told the community that the District Attorney has dismissed his charge. He thanked for the support of CCBA and the community.  Besides that, many angry business owners complained the negative impact from the movie making activities in November.

12/06/2006 - 在每月一次的警民會議上,十月份見義勇為協助捉賊而反被拘留及控告的何先生,告訴僑胞檢察官已經撤消對他的控告,並感謝中華公所及社區對他的支持。另外,華埠商戶趁警民會議向中華公所和五分局投訴日前華埠拍攝電影對他們帶來的負面影響。