07/24/2006 - New York City Commissioner of Transportation Iris Weinshall and a few senior officials visited CCBA.  She announced that the newly installed parking meters on Canal Street and Division Street would start operating on 7/29.  President Eric Ng proposed to Commissioner Weinshall the issues in Chinatown, including parking, traffic safety, potholes, Chinatown Arch, etc.

07/24/2006 - 紐約市交通局長Iris Weinshall與多名交通局高層訪問中華公所,宣布堅尼街和地威臣街的停車咪表車位將於七月廿九日啟用。會上,伍銳賢主席提出有關華埠泊車、交通安全、街道陷洞、牌樓建設等問題,Weinshall亦局長一一回應。