04/10/2006 - The Chinese organizations hosted a small rally in Chinatown to voice against Immigration Bill HR4437.  Hundreds of residents attended the rally, including Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, U.S. Congressman Mike Honda, NY State Assemblyman Jimmy Meng, NY City Councilman John Liu's representative Ellen Young.  The protestors marched to the City Hall Park to join the National Immigration Rally afterward.

04/10/2006 - 中華公所及各團體在華埠且林士果林則徐銅像前集會,反對HR4437移民法,近千僑胞參加。曼克頓區長史靜格、國會眾議員本田、紐約州眾議員孟廣瑞、市議員員劉醇逸代表楊愛倫等和社區、工會領袖出席了集會。集會後眾僑胞遊行到市府廣場參加全國移民大遊行。